From March 1st to 7th, 2024, the World Youth Festival (WYF) 2024 took place in Sochi (Krasnodar region, southern Russia Federation), with the participation of 20,000 delegates from nearly 180 countries and territories worldwide. The Viet Nam Young Entrepreneurs Association was honored to have one delegate (as part of the Vietnamese youth delegation) actively participate in various activities, contributing to building a positive image of Vietnamese youth in general and young Vietnamese entrepreneurs in particular in the eyes of international friends.
The Vietnamese delegation attending the Festival consisted of 112 delegates, led by Mr. Bui Quang Huy – Alternate Member of the CPV Central Committee, First Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee, and President of the National Committee on Vietnamese Youth. The Viet Nam Young Entrepreneurs Association was honored to have one delegate attending this year’s Festival, Ms. Ly Thu Uyen, Member of the Executive Board of the Da Nang Young Entrepreneurs Association, Vice Chairwoman of the International Trade Club (under the Da Nang Young Entrepreneurs Association), and Deputy Director of Tam Vinh Thai Co., Ltd.
As a Vietnamese youth delegate, Ms. Ly Thu Uyen actively participated in various activities of the Festival, including seminars, forums, parades, cultural and artistic exchanges, sports activities, etc., contributing to introducing the image of Viet Nam and its people to international friends. She also shared her personal experiences in entrepreneurship and business with other delegates.
With the active and effective participation of the Vietnamese youth delegates, including young entrepreneur Ly Thu Uyen, the World Youth Festival 2024 has contributed to strengthening solidarity and friendship between Vietnamese youth and young people from other countries around the world.